While Twitter is currently experiencing an ongoing saga of where the ownership will likely end up, it is still a platform whose engagement is a critical part of many business’ social media strategy. The most essential part of this strategy is proactive engagement by tailoring your messages to what your target audience is looking for and to encourage them to share it on your behalf. Here are 14 great ways to get more engagement on twitter.
14 Ways to Get More Engagement on Twitter:
Post Interesting Content
This seems like a no brainer, but knowing who your audience is the first step in any element of online marketing. It’s no secret that content is king on social media. If you’re not posting good quality, interesting content, you’re not going to earn those retweets. Whatever you decide to post about, make sure it has value to your followers or those who you want to be your followers.
Add Useful Links
It’s been proven again and again that tweets that contain links get more retweets than generic content. Try linking to your blog, a newspaper story, or any other interesting content. Use a URL shortening device like bitly.com or goo.gl to give yourself more characters.
Make Use of Hashtags
By now, hashtags have become a fundamental part of not only Twitter, but most social media platforms. Tweets including just one hashtag have been shown to increase the chance of a retweet by almost 16%.
Include Pictures
Similar to links, pictures are a great way of influencing engagement. They break up the constant text posts in a feed by adding a little color and can increase engagement up to 4x as often as a text post.
Utilize Numbers and Statistics
It seems like we push on the importance of data and numbers on every blog post, but use this to your advantage! Feature statistics about your industry or business and see an increase of up to 20% for engagement on those posts.
Avoid Overdoing the Self Promotion
Social media marketing has to include some degree of self-promotion – it is marketing after all. But don’t expect company-focused tweets to gain much traction. Instead, use popular industry-related topics to reel in your followers, then direct them somewhere where you can talk about your company.
Mention Other Twitter Users
Mentioning other twitter users means you can extend your reach and in-turn increase the likelihood of increasing your own following and earning engagement.
Retweet Other Users
Whichever social platform you use, one of the keys to a successful social media campaign is the understanding that there is a high level of give and take at play. In terms of Twitter, if you retweet another user’s post, they are more likely to retweet yours.
Take a Positive Approach
Whatever type of content you are tweeting about, it is important to deliberately present a positive approach and show enthusiasm. If you’re not positive or enthusiastic about what you’re posting, why should anyone else be?
Tweet During Optimal Times
To maximize your chances of grabbing the attention of your followers, post at times when they’re online. In many cases, this will be outside of traditional working hours, during the evenings or over the weekend. Don’t work weekends? Schedule your tweets out according to a social media strategy calendar.
Reach Out to an International Audience
The internet has made it so much easier for a business to have an international reach. If you’re interested in developing an international audience, you’ll need to remember to consider time zones so you aren’t hitting people while they’re sleeping. Again, you can build an automated schedule around this in order to hit the appropriate times for that audience.
Don’t Go Crazy
In the Twitter world, less is often more. If you want to make a significant impact to your customer base, be sure to limit the amount of tweets you’re putting out in a short time frame. Too many in a row will get lost quickly lost in the noise of a feed. A single tweet at the right time will be able to cut through everything else.
Ask for a Retweet/Favorite
Finally, it never hurts to simply ask for engagement. Not all of your followers will comply, but you’d be surprised by your core followers who would be more than happy to share your message.
Twitter is an excellent way to connect with people in your industry and build relationships with customers. But how do you use Twitter engagement to grow your business? If you’re a central Illinois business looking to increase your social presence and better connect with your followers but don’t know where to start, let’s talk!