To be a successful online marketer, you need to have a strategy in place for lead capturing on your website. There are many effective methods out there, but the best approach for you will depend on the types of websites that you are targeting. You can use a number of different lead capturing methods, such as email capture, form capture, or even lead capturing software.
The important thing is to find a strategy that works well for you and your website. Here are some tips for getting started:
7 Simple Lead Capturing Tips for Small Businesses
1. Create an Opt-In Form
One of the easiest ways to capture leads is by creating an opt-in form. This allows visitors to sign up for your email list without having to leave your site. You can also use a lead magnet to encourage them to sign up. A lead magnet is something that will help you collect contact info.
The best thing about using an opt-in form is that it doesn’t require much effort from you. Simply create a short form that asks people to enter their name and email address. Once they submit the form, you can send them a message letting them know you’ve received their information.
2. Add Social Media Links
If you want to attract more people to your site, then make sure you add social media links to your site. These links allow people to share your content with their friends and followers.
Adding social media links to your website is one of the best ways to increase traffic. When you link to other sites, you create a backlink which helps search engines find your site. Backlinks help search engine spiders crawl your site and index it properly. The more backlinks you have, the higher your page rank will be.
3. Don’t Forget Contact Information
You should also include contact information on every page of your site. This includes your phone number, email address, and mailing address.
If you want people to find you online, you need to provide them with easy access to your contact information. That means having a website where visitors can easily find your business name, phone number, and email address.
4. Offer Free Samples or Discounts
If you offer free samples or discounts, people will be more likely to sign up for your newsletter or follow you on social media.
The best way to get new customers is to offer them something for free. In fact, according to HubSpot, offering freebies increases conversion rates by up to 300%. That means if you offer a free sample of your product, you could increase your sales by 30%!
5. Provide a Strong Call-To-Action
You need to make sure that your call to action is clear and easy to find. This means making sure that your CTA is large enough so that visitors can see it easily. It also helps to use colors that stand out against the background of your site.
The best way to get people to take action is to provide them with a clear call to action. Make sure that your CTA stands out from the rest of your content. If you want people to click on your CTA, then make sure that it is big enough to be seen clearly. Also, make sure that it has a color that contrasts well with the background of your website.
6. Create An Email List
Start by creating an email list. This will allow you to send out emails to people who have expressed interest in what you do. You can use tools like MailChimp to make sure that your emails are sent properly.
Once you have created your email list, you can then create a series of emails that will help you capture leads. For example, if you sell products online, you could send out a series of emails that include information about your product line, pricing, shipping options, etc. If you sell services, you could offer free consultations or other types of offers that would entice potential customers to sign up for your service.
7. Set Up A Landing Page
Once you have set up your email list, you need to start building relationships with your leads. A landing page is a web page designed specifically for lead capturing. It should contain a clear call to action (CTA) so that visitors know exactly what to do next.
The best thing about a landing page is that it allows you to build trust with your audience. You can use it to share content, collect emails, and offer freebies. It’s a great tool to help you grow your business.
In today’s market, there are many lead capture methods to choose from. However, the best lead capture method depends on your company’s specific needs. Some popular lead capture methods include: Email marketing, lead capture forms on the website, email lists, and more. Which lead capturing method is the best for your company?
If you own a business in Springfield, Decatur, Lincoln, Bloomington, Champaign or anywhere else in Central Illinois and are struggling with lead capturing, let’s touch base! We would love to grab a coffee with you and help your website turn visitors into customers!